“module load” a Python environment

With Python 2 end of life on January 1, 2020, there are no guarantees that Python 2 developers and Python 2 package developers will fix Python 2 bugs or security holes. However, Python 2 and Anaconda 2 will still be available on our cluster when we wait for vendors to catch up and migrate our Python 2 code to newer versions.

You can load a specific Python environment with “module load” command for your Slurm jobs.

1) module avail command lists available environment modules, for example:
afni  python/anaconda2-2019.10  python/anaconda2-old  python/anaconda3-2020.11(default)  python/anaconda3-old  R/3.5.3  R/3.6.3  R/4.0.3
2) module list command lists loaded environment modules, for example:
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) python/anaconda3-2020.11(default)
3) module load command loads an environment module, for example:
module load python/anaconda2-2019.10
4) module unload command unloads an environment module, for example:
module unload python/anaconda2-2019.10
5) which python command can show you the “python” command path, for example: