Data transfer between your local computer and the cluster can be done using scp, rsync or FileZilla, etc. To connect to the cluster using FileZilla, the “Host” should be the cluster head node, and the “Port” should be 22.
Data transfer between your local computer and the cluster can be done using scp, rsync or FileZilla, etc. To connect to the cluster using FileZilla, the “Host” should be the cluster head node, and the “Port” should be 22.
“gpudebug” partition is for debugging GPU applications only. A “gpudebug” command is available for starting a Slurm session. The following command (email address is optional) will get you a Slurm session with 12 CPU cores, 12GB CPU memory and 1 …
Please be noted that SUMA (suma) won’t run when connecting to the cluster using X2Go, so we have to use ssh (Linux / MacOS users) or git bash (Windows users) to connect to the cluster if we need to run …
Windows users can connect to the cluster with GUI using Git Bash and VcXsrv X Server: Download and install VcXsrv Windows X Server Download and install Git (either Setup or Portable version works) Start VcXsrv with the default settings. After …
Connect to Cluster with GUI using Git Bash and VcXsrv Read More »
Linux and MacOS users can connect to the cluster using ssh command: For Linux users – open a terminal and then run the following command For MacOS users – open a terminal and then run the following command (use “-X” …
Once you sign into the PSY cluster using X2Go, you can follow the following instructions to start a GUI session by enabling X Forwarding (–x11). Open a terminal Run srun command to start a GUI session on the default “cpu” …
X2Go is a Remote Desktop solution for connecting to Linux servers. X2Go Client can be installed on Windows, MacOS or Linux systems. X2Go can keep your GUI sessions to the Linux servers alive if you don’t sign out even if …
Note:Cluster head node may change in the future, this example is using “”. Note:Click on the images to see details. 1: Open a terminal and connect to neurocomp0 using SSH without X forwarding (don’t use -X or -Y argument), and …
Note: you need to sign into the Psychology cluster (neurocomp0) to run the following commands. Note: we’ll add more examples and adjust fairness rules after we add more resources to the “new” cluster. For SGE users, please have a quick …
Note: you need to sign into the Psychology cluster (new, neurocomp0) to run the following commands. 1) List available modules module avail 2) List loaded modules module list 3) Example – load a module module load python/anaconda3 4) Example – …
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