Category: Python

After you connect to the head node, you can start a Slurm session using the following command, for example: srun -c 12 –x11 –pty bash -i Then run the following commands to set up the environment: module load nodejs module …

Use fMRIPrep on Cluster Read More »

This page shows steps for setting up and loading Python BrainIAK environment for learning and computing. We have got needed packages and data needed for BrainIAK and its tutorials installed on the cluster. However, you’ll need to download and set …

Use BrainIAK and Its Tutorials Read More »

With Python 2 end of life on January 1, 2020, there are no guarantees that Python 2 developers and Python 2 package developers will fix Python 2 bugs or security holes. However, Python 2 and Anaconda 2 will still be …

“module load” a Python environment Read More »

Note:Cluster head node may change in the future, this example is using “”. Note:Click on the images to see details. 1: Open a terminal and connect to neurocomp0 using SSH without X forwarding (don’t use -X or -Y argument), and …

Connecting to Jupyter Notebook Running on PSY Cluster using Your Laptop/Desktop Browser 🔒 Read More »

Note: you need to sign into the Psychology cluster (new, neurocomp0) to run the following commands. 1) List available modules module avail 2) List loaded modules module list 3) Example – load a module module load python/anaconda3 4) Example – …

Using Environment Modules Read More »