Python environments on the cluster 🔒
Note: This page will pull up-to-date information from the cluster.
After start a Slurm session, if you run the following commands:
source /opt/scripts/user/ conda env list
You’ll see the following environments:base DLC DLC2.3 deepface091 emostyle hddm099 hssm022 hssm022-gpu hssm025 icatcher insightFace py3112-torch250 transformers44
After start a Slurm session, if you run the following commands:
source /opt/scripts/user/ conda env list
You’ll see the following environments:base DeepDicomSort brainiak-202105 dcm2bids deeplabcut fmriprep hddm080 hddm097 py36-tf114 py36-tf115 stylegan3 stylegan3-torch1.11 wandb-tf115 wandb-tf241
To load an environment after your load the base using “source /opt/scripts/user/…”, you can use the following command to load an environment:
conda activate ENV_NAME
To unload the current environment or the base, you can use the following command:
conda deactivate
To check the installed package of the current conda environment:
conda list
To check which is the “python” command file:
which python
To check the “python” version:
python --version
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